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Creative building system one of raising organization in the northern region engaged in the field of  Insulation system.

We undertake inspection  design, supply installation testing and commissioning of all type of insulation i.e thermal, Cold and acoustical treatment.

In present day of energy Crisis increasing demand of energy saving in growing the answer- is Insulation.

Why Insulation?

From primitive cave shelter to present days multi structured modern apartments, the problems always remained is how to protect us from the nature like cold, heat, wind, rain and show.

Today our buildings are made in a way where is use enormous amount of energy, water and material which also generate huge amount of pollution resulting profound effect in eco system and occupants.

India is country with extreme weather condition this combination of high temperature and humidity makes unworkable condition in workspace and unbearable living in house. To retard flow of heat or cold in termed as Insulation.

We at Creative Building Systems promotes the Green Building Concept in order to help achieve energy conservation and pollution free living comfort through insulation.

Benefits Of Insulated Buildings:

Cost saving through substantially reduced energy demand.

More durable building construction adaptability.

Thermal insulation reduces heat in to the building and provides congenial working atmosphere.

Insulation reduces the load in the air conditioning system.

Thermal insulation generates superior indoor air quality and healthy work environment and productivity.

Upgrade living standard improved human comfort.

The commonly used thermal insulation materials are-

 Rockwool, Glasswool, Polyurethane Foam, Nitrile rubber,  Thermocol Insulation.


Rockwool slabs are made from rocks which spun in to Micronics diameter of fibers with resin bonded felted and cured to optimum density and resistance. Providing excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties low construction cost easy installation and has fine appearances.


Sound absorption, fire resistance, compression resistance, thermal conductivity.


Glasswool has excellent thermal and acoustic properties. Low construction cost, easy installation and has good appearance. The product is recommended for use of both hot and cold application.


Temperature control, Fire Safety, Reduce Heat load, sound absorption, Dimensional stability, Noise control.

Poluurethane Foam

Rigid polyurethane foam is designed to combine highly efficient thermal and cold Insulation with excellent ease of application. It is deal for a wide range of installation application in building s particularly roofs.

Which dries fast to form SEAMLESS and MONOLITHIC Insulation cover.


Efficient thermal insulation, Monolithic, seamless and water resistance, Strong and light weight.

No sag, excellent adhesion to any surface. Easy to handle and apply.

Elastomeric (Nitrile rubber) Insulation Foam :

Designed for condensation control for air conditioning and refrigeration, Meets the need of insulation for HVAC, and industrial noise control.

Unique closed cell structure of the insulation provides stable & very low thermal conductivity. Smooth skin of the material provides higher water vapor diffusion resistance.